Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gamers question bioshock 2 or battlefield bc 2?

OK, so i have a choice, battle field bad company 2 or bioshock 2. I LOVED the first bioshock, oh the atmosphere and game play was amazing. enough to win them a game of the year awards from multiple people. But battlefield, that game has been in my life since i could run. I had the very first battlefield and the battlefield collectors that came with battlefield titles like secret weapons of ww2 and Vietnam. so you can see my dilemma here :(, bioshock 2 or battlefield bad company 2?Gamers question bioshock 2 or battlefield bc 2?
get bioshock 2, beat it in a week and then "return it because you didnt like it" before the week is up. then you can get battefield bc 2. that is, if youre planning on buying it from gamestop. if not, id still pick bioshock 2. im playing it now and its awesome! dont you wanna find out what happens in the story next? :)Gamers question bioshock 2 or battlefield bc 2?
Battlefield Bad Company 2 if you are the Hardcore Xbox live or PS3 Live(or whatever) gamer.


Bioshock 2 if you don't have a live account or find other players annoying.

Bioshock will defiantly offer more in the field of campaign and story. BUT BBC2 will give you more replay value if you play alot of online play.

But the simplest answer to your dilemma is to buy both. :PGamers question bioshock 2 or battlefield bc 2?
battlefield bad company 2 is more fun

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