You are a soldier before anything, so yes probably
Dont worry buddy you will be given a weapon you are a soldier fist. Everyone that worked for the Army Times when I was over carried a weapon.In the army if you are in a non-combat MOS but are in a battlefield, do they give you a weapon?
every soldier in the US Army (except for chaplains) have a weapon, whether it be an M-4 (M-16) or a pistol.
yes, all "non combat MOS" means is that you do not Actively seek to engage the enemy. However you are given a weapon to protect yourself at all times. Even Chaplains are given an option as to whether to carry a weapon or not. Most likely weapon:
all are considered personal weapons by the militaryIn the army if you are in a non-combat MOS but are in a battlefield, do they give you a weapon?
Yes, you will have a weapon, 35 mm camera, pen, notebook, and hopefully enough common sense to listen to a combat arms guy when he tells you to get down, move, or get out of his face.
If they don't you need to bring it to someone's attention really fast.
Y E S, You will be issued a M16 rifle if and when you are in a battlefield situation.
All Soldiers carry weapons to WAR unless you are a Chaplain. SFC Powell Fort Leonard Wood MO
yes everyone has a weapon its usally a M-16 but sometimes a 9MM so. in that job youd more then likely have a 9mm soo have a blast lol.
dude,do not leave your brain in your own piece and carry it. how about a Beretta jxf4f21 model. 40 cal. that has 14 rounds.get at least 4 extra clips. shoulder holster would be good.hooah,kick a*s*s !
Non combat MOS don't mean nothing. When you are assigned to your own unit, You maintained your own weapon, you qualified with your own weapon, and you train with your own weapon like everyone else. I wish I could have said that as a mechanic but there is no exemption at all.
Yes, even the POGs' carry a weapon. Except for the Chaplain. He is a non-combatant, however the Chaplain's assistant is assigned a weapon.
All soldiers, except chaplains, carry weapons.
if you are in a combat zone you will get a weapon unless you are a Chaplin
The primary job of any soldier is infantry first and foremost. All infantryman carry weapons. It would be criminal to send a soldier into combat without a weapon...I'm sure if you speak to your local Army recruiter he or she can answer all these sorts of questions..
As a former combat medic; I can tell you that EVERYONE but the company / Unit Chapilin will carry a weapon and know how and be prepared to use it to use it ...
I escorted you guys around for both tours I've been there. You'll have an M-4 just like the rest of the Soldiers in the US Army. You'll be trained how to utilize said M-4 just like every other Soldier in the US Army. Is it likely that you'll actually ever fire a shot...NO, however the probability does indeed exist. That's why you go out with escorts. As stated, the only job in the Army that doesn't have a weapon is a chaplain. Best of luck!
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