Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Battlefield 3 weapons question?

how come sometimes i get into a map and i get a choice of an SKS (i HATE that weapon) or the M16 (i think that's what it's called)

why can't i choose to use the M16 all the time?Battlefield 3 weapons question?
Ok then well it's the same thing. You alternate between US and Russian. The MK11 is on the US and the SKS is on the Russians.Battlefield 3 weapons question?
ITs always Attacker team vs. Defending team. And depending on the map then ATT is US and DEF is OPFOR or w/e the the forces are in the game I havent checked. Eventually when you get enough kills with a class on EITHER SIDE you will unlock other guns that you can set to either side.

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